@Lydia thank you, that’s really useful to know 😊
This happened to my niece as well and she had the same thing happen with mango
Sounds like FPIES
We had FPIES reaction to peanuts. Delayed vomiting is very common symptom
@Sophie thanks. Did you niece under go any allergy tests etc? Can she eat it now?
@Julia thanks, I’ve not heard of this. Will do some research. Can your LO eat peanuts now without a reaction? The projectile vomit was insane 😭
So my baby had her first reaction at 7 months and we were told to avoid until at least 12+ months. We saw an allergist and FPIES specialist.
It’s not happened to my baby but did happen, at aged 38(ish) to one of my best friends out of nowhere! She was a regular eater of avocado and then suddenly twice went into anaphylactic shock. She developed an allergy to it. Allegedly it is in the same grouping as bananas AND latex - that’s what she said anyhow. So, from her experience and your baby’s, might be worth an allergy test x