My health visitor advised giving baby pre mixed/ready made formula instead of the powder for 24 hours to help them poo as it has a laxative effect, it worked a treat for our little boy☺️
You can give baby 5ml of lactulose from birth which will help soften their stools, and the pre made formula can help to get the bowels moving - maybe combine that with the powder formula for a little while and ease them into full powder formula xx
Pre-made defo helps. I’m currently transitioning to BM & formula as I can’t keep up, and having to do half BM, quarter pre-made and quarter powder x
My little girl has constipation is on cow and gate number 1 formula took her gp and they prescribed cosmocol sachets I give her 1 sachet a day half a sachet 12 hours apart mixed 30ml water given via syringe and she poo’s every day sometimes 2 times a day!! Maybe try asking gp for the medicine it might work for your baby too !!
Formula is known to cause constipation whereas breastmilk is said to be a bit of a laxative, so it’s probably due to the transition to full formula - my formula fed baby didn’t poo for almost 5 days and after speaking to multiple midwives (we were quite worried at the time) they reassured me it’s completely normal and that they will just eventually go and she did! Definitely worth keeping track of the days but my midwife said they are very reluctant to give the babies medication as it can make their bowels lazy, they say as long as shes weeing it shows they are hydrated. I hope this helps! Completely understand what it feels like, never thought I’d be in a situation where I wanted someone to poo so much 😂 but I think my little one finally went on day 5/6