Ive been having baths because of this. Really helps while im in the bath right before bed x
Rest, baths, hot water bottles (ice therapy in between too), I had SI joint pain, I found stretching it out on the yoga ball helped and getting a support belt for the bump, takes the pressure off the back, I got a Babygo one off vinted which was very helpful but that Velcro is a bit rubbish on it after a few weeks 😞 also paracetamol (remember you aren't allowed ibuprofen but can contact the GP if paracetamol isn't working) xx
I've started getting accupuncture which is helping! X
Hot water bottle, heat patches when out and about. Bump support band, if standing for a little while (I wear it on bad days to wash up/vacuum) Midwife can also prescribe dihydrocodeine, if Paracetamol isn't strong enough x
Hot water bottle helps me a lot x