@Nikita I use a seat to what you’ve got at moment with a bath pillow thing and honestly she’s the same still tries to push herself up so it’s not safe anymore so imma stick her in the seat with the pillow propped up behind her, she can’t escape then 😂😂
Similar situation to me! I was thinking of buying this inflatable bath to use instead https://www.very.co.uk/babymoov-inflatable-baby-bath-tub-paddling-pool/1600847132.prd?cm_mmc=google-_-PLA+-+Generic-_--_-__&utm_campaign=Generic_Fashion+Clothing+%26+Footwear+-+Child+%26+Baby+-+PMAX+-+All&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=&campaigntype=shopping&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2k1i1X-KtnkxjX_lvd6bVFsXt0m&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_9u5BhCUARIsABbMSPt5Sn_ZzySB4tBICp_1m09Gb5RQYmzA4C5LdQPduvhLDBwS29V337caAq6fEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#sku=sku25950252
@Katie louise I didn't even think of a bath pillow 🤦♀️ but this is the seat I've been looking at getting for when he can sit by himself x