Same with my LO - lots of pee and passing wind. She tries to poo and strains a lot but then gives up 🤷🏻♀️ thx k you for the advice - if it persists I will go to the GP
Same with mine . She is 16 days old and has pooped 4 times. Today we got one after 5 days . I am combination feeding with breast milk and changed pre made formula from cow and gate to aptimil. Along with lots of tummy massages bicycle legs over and over again. I went to two gps and they said as long as there are wet nappies and farts there is no concern x
Ahh fair enough.. yeah same - that’s what the HV said. Though my LO is 5m - it only started recently 😭 I guess as long as she’s not uncomfortable. Can’t give them anything for it. How’s your combi feeding going? How often do you pump?
Baby is drinking breast milk - eat fennel seeds, fennel tea or prunes like sweets it will help baby with digestion for baby
What does LO mean?
Thanks @Zee will try it
@Daisy abbreviation for little one x
My little one has been like this recently and only going once a week. Spoke to the doctor and as my LO was still weeing and passing wind, she wasn't too concerned but to call them if it goes over a week. A friend of mines little boy use to go every 9 days! If you are concerned though speak to your GP 🙂