I had this before and got told it was a chemical pregnancy as my hcg levels were zero also even with faint positive tests. Did they do blood test also? It could be that your early than you think and that why they can’t see anything. If bloods came back positive they should’ve said to do bloods again 48hrs later to see if it doubled and booked a scan for 2 weeks after x
I’ve done 6 tests over the last 2 weeks and they are progressing with the last test being the darkest, they did bloods tonight and I get the results tomorrow morning an then they want me to do bloods again Thursday
Could you maybe be earlier than you think? As before 6 weeks there’s nothing to see x
I don’t think so, I got a positive LH test on the 21st of October so unless the LH tests aren’t reliable then no 😞
Of course I’m hoping that it’s not, but could it possibly be a missed miscarriage? I’ve never had one so I don’t know exactly how they work but that was my initial thought.