Epidural or no epidural

Help I am very confused should I take an epidural or no Epidural can you tell me your experience or which option you think is better?
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Totally personally preference. I had one with my first and don’t regret it for a second but I was so tired after not sleeping for 2 nights & days during my induction that without it I wouldn’t have gotten any rest prior to my unplanned section. There are lots of pros & cons, I think the biggest con being that once you’ve had it you’re hooked up to a monitor for the rest of your labour and it reduces your ability to move around, which obviously can assist in speeding things up. That said, I was still able to move and could get up to go to the loo with help, just not easy all wired up. I’d say that it would be good to understand how it works and the pros & cons and then keep an open mind once you go into labour. There’s no need to make that decision now x

Personally I want to give birth in the MLU and can't have an epidural if I do.. so that's mostly my reasoning for thinking I don't want to. But it will all depend on the day! I also want to remain mobile and not have to be induced. However, if I do end up needing induction, I imagine I would then opt for the epidural. I think it's a good idea to understand the options and different situations that might arise that could change your choices.

I preferred my experience without one better than with one! X

I had one last time and whilst I don't regret it (I was in pain for 12 hours before opting for it) I would rather not have one this time provided I have a spontaneous labour x

@Hannah oh why did you prefer without? If you don't mind x

I had one with my son and it was the best thing I did. The only part I hated was the catheter but the whole birthing experience was so much calmer and relaxed after the epidural. I have a lot of respect for women who manage to do it without pain relief....but that's just not for me 😂 I don't believe in being in pain if you don't have to be! Hope this helps 😊 x

@Victoria I was immobile and it was the labour I didn’t want. My first one was long and I have to have forceps but did opt for a epidural before I had to have forceps but I couldn’t push. I gave birth to my daughter Friday morning and i did it was gas and air. It was quick and I felt in control and empowered. The recovery has also been much much quicker!! X

@Hannah thank you! 🙏♥️

I didn’t want one last time but as I was induced, the pain from the Pitocin was too much for me in the end so I opted for it and was so grateful I could. In the end I needed an episiotomy and forceps too, recovery was ok, about a week. Whatever you decide, be open that your birth plan might change and that’s ok!

I had one with my first and will be having one again this time. I fell asleep as soon as it kicked in cos I was soooo exhausted from the contractions 😂 had no issues or complications & couldn’t even feel them doing it. But it’s totally personal preference! X

Just commenting to say no one is going to give you a medal for experiencing the whole thing with no pain relief. Thats what modern medicine is for 😎

@Aoife This is the key, being open to changes!

I had a failed one with my son back in November 2022. I am going to not bother this time round as I don’t think it’ll work again for me. I’m going to hopefully just do gas and air like last time, but very open to that changing x

I had the epidural because I don’t think I would have been able to cope with any more pain. I was already screaming and I was like 5cm dialated so they offered the epidural and I accepted… then I was able to fall asleep. Granted, could not move my legs or lift my bum so they could change the pad under me but it was sooooooooo worth it haha Edit: I had gas and air to begin with as said I wouldn’t have an epidural as I know someone who’s back got messed up from it but gas and air made me feel really sick and wasn’t doing a thing haha

I didn’t have one with my first, but I wasn’t opposed to it, the circumstances just meant it wasn’t necessarily and my view with my second is that I’ll follow the same approach. If I’m really struggling with the pain and look to still have a significant amount of time and labouring to do before delivery then I’ll ask for one (I.e still only 5cm dilated) as there is no need to make the process any more challenging than it needs to be. But if I’m doing OK managing the labour process or am pretty fully dilated when I start to struggle I’ll go without as it takes a while to fully kick in and it’s not going to be much longer until baby arrives. I think you just have to play it by ear and let the circumstances lead your decisions at the time.

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