Oh no am sorry I hope she recovers quickly 😔 100% recommend nebuliser with saline and 1-2 drops of food grade iodine. My son started with a really bad croup last week and as soon as I saw it was coming I started using the nebuliser 3/4 times a day for about 10minutes. I also use humidifier and some olbas oil next to his pillow. And just lots of natural medicine instead of what gp recommends. You can have a look into a homeopath (I know a lot of people don’t believe in it but i used it and love it)
@Stephanie thank you so much! Have you got a link to the nebuliser you have? I have another appointment at Brighton this afternoon @ 4pm, I’m hoping it will help!
@Daniela thank you! I have a independent health shop near me that does all natural/homeopathic remedies, I’ll pop in and see what they advise ☺️
With my 2nd child he got croup and chest infections a lot - so much so he was under a consultant for suspected asthma but eventually it’s got better (by age 8) the only thing we found that helped was the Vicks humidifier which seemed to nip coughs in the bud quite quickly.
@Lidia we have this one! Hope the appointment went okay. https://www.boots.com/omron-c28p-compressor-nebulizer-10296699p?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-PLAs_HeroCompare-_--_-pmax_electricalbeauty__gg_shopping__hc___pmedia&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA-AdmwQRmlricnrYv3FhKRxASintS&gclid=CjwKCAiArva5BhBiEiwA-oTnXRQH93vqGqBLKhF7Cu0hIocBN3Y27t8RehmD7BFypaaq1wVWrgPCeRoCx04QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
our daughter gets croup a lot - the children’s hospital (Brighton) usually give her a dose of steroids. We were advised to get a nebuliser at home and our GP prescribed saline and that helps a lot! Lots of cold air and nurofen works better than calpol! 6 days is quite long, 🥺🥺 hope she’s okay xx