I’m exclusively breastfeeding and the symptoms were pooing at every feed, sometimes green and always mucusy. Also my LO had a massive milk aversion (maybe stomach pain or she didn’t like the taste). The reason we went to doctors was because she was refusing her milk and showing signs of discomfort- they then told me to trial no dairy for 6 weeks to rule out CMPA. Low and behold her symptoms improved and we had a new baby so CMPA was confirmed!
My lo was outbreak of eczema followed by mucusy poo and found blood in her stool. We haven’t diagnosis yet, we need her to settle down with her eczema then reintroduce her to cow milk formula to see if her eczema flare up…
It took a lot of trips back and forth to the gp after being pied off over and over. In the end I asked for a baby specialist GP and she confirmed my thoughts. Her symptoms were mainly unsettled, constantly thrashing about whilst feeding, screaming all day and night, very little sleep (1-2hrs in 24 hours), 20 odd dirty nappies with diarrhoea (no rash except from nappy rash prob from the diarrhoea). When she was on breast milk I kept it to use during the night and she was better (I don’t have much dairy) but once the morning feed started and then the rest of the formula feeds in the day she got worse and worse throughout. If you think it is keep going back to the GP and the HV. I went to the GP 3 days on a trot before I was listened to by the baby specialist. Also ask for a referral to a dietician.