I’m currently waiting for my phone call - I had my 28 week appt yesterday and fundal measurement was on the 3rd percentile so also been referred for urgent growth scan. Try not to worry, the fundal measurements can often be pretty inaccurate so doesn’t mean for sure baby is smaller than they should be! I’d also just get in touch with midwife or ultrasound unit and follow up they should have you in the system with your hospital number
Deffo just call the hospital scan department, it could have just got missed. I’ve had to chase up my 12 week scan because the referral just went missing between midwife and hospital, it’s rubbish but just have to take things into your own hands sometimes and ask for what you need. But as other have mentioned please don’t worry in the meantime. With my first bump measured 3rd percentile on fundal measurements twice. On scans it turned out he was around 60% and by birth was 85%. It’s very inaccurate, and varies depending on your height/build, baby position and whether it’s your first baby
In my last pregnancy my bump measured 90th percentile+. When I had the scan, baby was actually 3rd percentile. There was no explanation for why the measurements were so different. My consultant said he wished we didn't do fundal measurement because they can cause so much worry. I'm sure you'll be grand, try not to worry!
I’ve not had this happen but I’d give your midwife a call to say you’ve not heard anything. I honestly wouldn’t worry either. When they measure your bump it’s called fundal height and it’s really not accurate at all. Each midwife does this differently and regardless your bump size doesn’t actually reflect how big baby is x