@Lauren Okay. I will look it up on Tik Tok. Thank you. Hopefully, I can figure it out. I saw someone say you take 3 days before you ovulate and then 30 minutes before baby dancing.
Yeah you take it for a total of 7 days and baby dance every other day. 3 days before ovulation, 3 days after and the day of ovulation. 30 mins before baby dancing
I heard it thins out the mucus allowing the Sperm to just Glide in or something like that
I have tried this but it didn't work because of my medical issues so I couldn't say but best wishes
Mucinex does not help people get pregnant and the company that makes it has made statements about it. It’s a wide spread rumor with no science behind it. Don’t bother wasting your money, time, and most importantly, hope on it.
I want to try it again too. I tried it once and it didn’t work. I took the pills. 30 mins before you baby dance. If you have a tik tok it says on there when to take it