@Scarlet lol yeah I’m with you on that
So in love but incredibly anxious at my every move 😂
@Amber same here, I don’t think anything can prepare you for this stage. I didn’t expect to feel so anxious !
Absolutely fine in the day…but my anxiety during the night is next level 😂
Definitely up and down! Mood swings etc!
Tired, frustrated over breastfeeding struggles, sad that time is moving too fast, little bit emotional, but mainly quite content :-) have wanted a baby for forever !
@Nicole my emotions are out of control. I sobbed in Sainsbury’s car park earlier because baby was sick and it came out of his nose, and whilst sobbing I told a random woman I was a bad mum 🫠🫠 This ride is not for the weak 😂
@Scarlet aw, it’s all normal I guess and I bet you’re doing great. It’s a huge change and the mind and body is all trying to catch up. I just hope that it settles soon as it’s so difficult to look after baby and manage these strange feelings.
I think I may have baby blues I love my little boy but miss the being pregnant and the constant appointments even though I had a traumatic birthing experience
@Lydia my birth was also very traumatic, probably why I feel the way that I do.
@Phoebe SAME! Off the charts
Mixed emotions. Generally feel fine in the day, as soon as it gets dark I feel so anxious and emotional! 8 days PP. I have health anxiety so I keep getting worried about him being unwell x
@Molly I was diagnosed with hypertension immediately after giving birth, so I know exactly what you might feel. I often have panic attacks or I’m really scared about something happening to me or baby. It’s really horrible…xx
@Phoebe @Molly doesn’t help that it gets dark so early now ! 😂😫
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@Molly me too!
i feel like im coping okay because my partner is home at the moment, im dreading him going back to work and being alone ! also still have very little appetite and wondering when my appetite will come back , im 9 days PP xx
I’m tired but feeling physically pleased to have my body back after months of spd pain.
@Nicole it’s hard because the one midwife that actually seemed to care I never got to thank her apart from a card and some chocolates I feel like I need the closure on weather she got in trouble because of me or not it
@Abby same I’ve had no appetite since birth. My son is 5 weeks tomorrow and my appetite has shown no sign of returning … still!
@Elle awww no thats so annoying isnt it ! it’s a vicious cycle , i feel sick because i’m not eating but then not eating because i feel sick ! xx i think the tiredness doesn’t help ! hopefully you get it back soon !
@Abby tbh I’m quite happy about it as the baby weight pounds are dropping off me 😂😅
So many mixed feelings but things get worst at night. So stressful nights are and always thinking about the nights. Just want to recovered fully atleast
currently on night 3 and struggling hard, non stop feeding and no sleep whatsoever for the second night in a row is killing me. Can’t seem to put this baby down at night unless it’s for nappy changes
8 days PP - can’t quite get into a decent rhythms at night. Sleep is really hard. Infected stitches are really upsetting. Anemic. Second time mum and feel pressure to get it all right and find it easy. Scared about partner returning to work at the end of next week. Guilt over first born losing attention and struggling to adapt to a baby in the house.
@Jessica I hope it gets better for you soon, I’m going through the same struggles x
Happy, sad, anxious, excited, scared, in love, stressed, emotional, tired, proud, my list is endless 😂