I understand as I was anxious about going out with my first but totally agree with @Celine. This time I've been going out/seeing people much more and I find we are both much happier than if we stay in all day playing the game of when will he let me put him down for a nap and for how long. Also you get to know which places are particularly baby friendly. I know I can bf everywhere but I know the 3 best places in town to change/ feed baby so if he gets very upset I'm only 5 mins away from somewhere we can go to change/feed. In a cafe/restaurant I'd just start feeding him anyway if that calms him.
I was the same with my first baby as I felt as though I didn’t know how to settle her and so she cried a lot. It took a while but I got there. I’m a lot more confident second time round.
When I’m out I repeat mantras to myself “I’m allowed to take up space.” “My baby is allowed to take up space”. “We are worthy of taking up space”. Stupid stuff like that but it works!
Completely understand this feeling but hopefully you might be surprised. I find most of the time baby settles better when we're out and about as she seems to like all the noises. Having said that, I still feel worried about meeting up with people as my baby is quite fussy too- she's my second and don't remember having this with my first at all! But everyone's right, we just have to push through and keep living! It will get easier xx
Hey, I felt exactly the same at first! I started by going to the local park—figuring it didn’t matter too much if the baby started crying there. Gradually, I built up confidence and began taking him to town and out shopping. Surprisingly, my baby naps 99.9% of the time when we’re out. For the rare moments he doesn’t, the dummy works wonders to keep him calm!
i’m the same! so far i’ve only been out when i’ve had someone with me, i’m scared to go out on my own to somewhere other than a park incase he cries 🤣 i don’t know why i’m nervous though cos it’s a baby.. they’re allowed to cry, it’s like being nervous about a dog barking 🤣 i’m going to man up and i’m going to take him around tesco today (baby steps haha)
I only go out after a big feed or bottle top up so I know he will sleep - need to get better at it too
You definitely care too much ! Just push yourself to go out and it will become easier each time. So what if baby cries that’s what they do and eventually if she was to get upset she will stop. I found going out actually made the day easier and baby was more content. You can’t stay inside and stop what you enjoying doing although I know when suffering anxiety this is easier says than done. But life’s too short… go out with your baby. I was like this with my first child and I missed all the opportunities I had going out and having fun with him when he was so small , and he also picked up on my anxiety and is quite anxious and lacks confidence in social settings which I put down to how I was. Second time round I couldn’t care less what others think and baby loves going out. Xx