@♥️QWEEN MODEST♥️ yes and it always turns into an argument and he will deny that it’s even happening. I always feel bad when I drop her off because she will cry and cling to me 😢
Why keep dropping her off if you see that baby is uncomfortable??
@♥️QWEEN MODEST♥️ also he’s known to hop from place to place so he’s never anywhere permanent
I'd say until you figure out what is going on...you need to meet In a public place always and be around while she's with him until everything is figured out.....don't keep forcing your child to be around someone she isn't comfortable around... there's a reason why that child is acting like that......find the problem please....there are way to many child dying because nobody is taking the time out to see what is actually going on....there are so many cases when the child or children are crying, scared and things being left with "dad" or "mom" and a child ends up dead or extremely hurt...traumatized tremendously.....if you know this isn't your child's normal behavior....get down to the bottom of it period
@♥️QWEEN MODEST♥️ We have a court order that he gets her 3 days out the week and if I withhold her from him, I can go to jail for it . I’ve been expressed countless amount of times how he is and I even have a restraining order but because he hasn’t physically harmed our child they still give him visitation to her unfortunately…
@♥️QWEEN MODEST♥️ I wish I could but he’s allowed to have her overnight and I have no clue where he lives and I can’t be around him unless it’s to drop our daughter off due to my restraining order against him
@♥️QWEEN MODEST♥️ ohh yes I always ask and he denies she’s even crying or doesn’t even acknowledge it or will argue with me with any concerns, we have court this week so I’m definitely gonna address it .
How old is your baby??......it's hurts my soul that the courts never address everything...jsit because it ain't physical doesn't mean it ain't traumatizing....Just because it isn't in writing doesn't mean a person ain't showed who.they are thousands of times over....unfortunately everything has to be documented and that's the sad part about it in most cases smh 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️😒😒😒......I hope things are able to work out before it's t0 late....they need to hear you.....
Not saying he's a bad guy or anything because I don't know him...so I don't speak on things I don't know .....it's jsit safer if you all were in public and she's with both of you until things are sorted out.....
My heart breaks 💔 smh this ain't cool
What’s your baby like when being dropped back to you? Is she generally happy/ok with him whilst being handed back?
I’m having the same issue :( and his dad doesn’t seem to be bothered about it and when I say I’m concerned he makes it seem like I’m crazy. but I know my son feels uncomfortable because his dad used to leave him alone overnight with his girl friend without telling me. I stopped letting my son go with him and now he’s taking it to court -_-
Depends on your babies age too and how often they have visitation
@♥️QWEEN MODEST♥️ she is 19 months and it’s definitely annoying because he’s had done domestic violence to me infront of her but yet because he’s the dad he has rights and because the violence was done to me and not her they don’t really consider things
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@Sera Kay ✨ everytime I get her back she always tired and looks out of it . But she always gets happy when she sees me and will cling to me as soon as she gets back in my arms
@Fran See I’m not sure if he has her around anybody or what’s going on. He would def ignore it when I address it
@Jennifer she’s 19 months and goes with him every week and everytime she sees him, she cries
I wish you the best of luck 😪😪 I know your pain it definitely hurts and makes you feel like you’re betraying your baby. please do your best to address it in court as much as possible we need to keep our babies safe.
@Fran I definitely will but I’m hoping it doesn’t do more harm than good and they end up giving him more time to bond with her
Maybe he is yelling at her when she is upset or some such. I would feel absolutely terrible if I were in this situation I really feel for you and sending so much love to you and your little one 🥺🫶🏽🤍
@Sera Kay ✨ That’s what I’m thinking because he has before and I yelled at him for yelling at her and told him he can’t do that but of course it caused a fight . and thank you, 🫶🏾 I always try to pray over her before she leaves and when she’s away . I wanna cry every time 😢
Is is possible that the sight of him just signals to the baby that means you’re leaving? It could be the repetition.
@Jessica Not at all because she goes with my aunt and uncle and she’s just fine with them . Doesn’t cry or anything
He or she feels his energy......and he or she could be very uncomfortable.....have you had a conversation about what is going on at his place?? Babies feel energy and vibes .....