I have been to window to the womb and hey baby with my first baby and they were the same! Both really lovely x
I think the price difference for the early reassurance scans made me question if window to the womb do anything different lol. Glad to know there both the same. Unfortunately don't have Numi scan near me x
I’ve been to window to the womb with my first and having my first scan again this week for the 2nd pregnancy.
I had a scan at Windows to the Womb exactly at 6 weeks since my last period. There’s nothing wrong with having a private scan, but I went in hoping for reassurance. Since I’m only 6 weeks, they couldn’t detect a heartbeat and labeled it as a pregnancy of unknown location. It’s possible that I’m earlier than I thought, or my irregular periods mean I’m not quite 6 weeks yet, which is why it didn’t show on the ultrasound. They referred me to the early pregnancy clinic, and today I had blood tests. I’ll be going back in 48 hours for a repeat test and scan. Looking back, I probably should’ve waited until I was around 8-9 weeks pregnant—it would’ve saved me some stress. Unless you have symptoms like bleeding or pain, I’d recommend waiting for a scan until a bit later. This is just my experience so far.
We use hey baby in Northampton and they are great.
I had a couple of scans with hey baby in Derby during my last pregnancy. I would definitely recommend them! Sadly they had to deliver us bad news that we’d had a MMC but even the way they handled that was good. I’ve gone to Numi scan this pregnancy as I just couldn’t face going back to hey baby again and I can also recommend them if you have one near by! You get all the videos and pictures from your scan which is amazing!!