There’s nothing you can do to really cure it, you’d think 2024 they’d have an explanation and a cure to it but they don’t. Hang in there, sending you all the love! Of course your newborn needs cuddles and love whilst this is happening but they will cry regardless so if you need five minutes to go and be with your toddler, or whatever they will be okay, if your toddler is clingy try getting them involved in pushing the pushchair maybe I’m not really sure what to suggest but baby will be okay if you have to tend to your toddler, even if it sounds like they aren’t x
I’m going through this at the moment with my baby I think, as well. She is 6 weeks old and for the past couple has began being really unsettled, making lots of noises and kicking her legs/ flinching her arms about, which all gradually gets more intense until she eventually starts inevitably crying. A week ago we had it where she was crying inconsolably for 2 days. Just tried everything on repeat to soothe her until she slept - which could take hours of persuasion and by that time another feed would be due anyway. We introduced a pacifier which does help but sometimes she spits it out and the process restarts. I think it must be a developmental thing as lots of people are mentioning it around these weeks of age - she just seems so overstimulated. I feel so sorry for her - it makes me feel so anxious! I do think the only solution is to try what you’ve listed above on repeat until something soothes them to sleep- and maybe we can sneak some snoozing in too when that happens eventually!..
My first child had colic and the only thing that helped me was knowing it goes at 4 months although I know that’s not that helpful xx
Colief drops White noise LOUD Rocking the pushchair in your house back and forth (you might have to continuously do this until the colic period of the night is over) A dummy really helps Feeding little and often another soothing technic whilst the colic hours are happening Comfort milk if formula feeding im using Kendamil comfort and both my children have had colic, currently my 7 week old (massive difference with the colief drops and comfort milk) If you’re using a prep machine, don’t whilst she/he has colic Laying down with them on your chest and patting their bum with gentle up and down motions with white noise playing The colic hold position (check it out on google) A warm bath if they enjoy the bath and don’t cry when in it I’m trying to think of what else! There’s not really anything you can do other than try to make it a little easier, it WILL get better it will go by 12 weeks one day it will just stop but by doing the technics above it might not be AS bad