It's quite normal for babies to have gas due to their immature digestive systems. Are you burping him every feed? You can also hold him upright after feeds for a few minutes. Tummy massage & bicycle legs for farts. I use infacol as above which helps.
It’s also very normal for them to want to be held all the time. Look up the fourth trimester. Have you tried a sling because then you can be hands free. Xx
Try infacol for wind, it’s okay to use from birth to help with wind. Your one redbull is not making things worse, i can promise you that. Try white noise, ssh’s, belly rubs, bicycle kicks, a warm bath before bed. Have a look at different belly massages as this helps to move wind around if it is trapped as well. Try laying next to your little one, holding their hand and moving your finger down their forehead while sshing to soothe. Little ones need comfort when they are distressed, and when they are uncomfortable they need a lot of it. Keep going, you and your partner are doing a great job, be as patient as you can xx
Hey! My baby suffered the same and we started winding every 5 minutes. So unlatching baby, winding for a good 3-5 mins and relatching (we got professional advise to do this) This has made a huge bit of difference, Also if you are breastfeeding I'd get someone to check your babies latch if you haven't already. A shallow or poor latch can mean they're talking a lot of air even if they're feeding well and gaining weight as they should She's making big improvements with the above. Didn't get on with infacol it just made her throw up xx
My baby was the same about a week ago and he was crying too when making faces but he wasnt crying for long, tried infacol and it helped.