I had afternoon slot and was last of the day and went down at 3:30, baby was born at 4:07
There is no set time - they happen after an emergencies are dealt with first. I was the first scheduled section of the day (thanks to my latex allergy!) which happened after 3 emergency ones. He was born at 12:36 so i think i went in around 11:50. My friend went for a scheduled one recently and unfortunately they couldn't fit her in that day, so she ended up going home and coming in the following day. There are lots of factors, all out of our control unfortunately!
I had a morning slot had to be in at 7am then they said I was 2nd on the list for the day I think I was supposed to go in at 10 but ended up going in at 11 as the first one took longer than expected obviously you get pushed if they have an emergency come in baby was born at 11:34
Baby 1 was an afternoon arrival slot (3pm) but due to being put as an emergency on the day (I went into labour) I was done at 10pm. Baby 2 is scheduled for 6am arrival for 8am start. Every hospital has different theatre timetables, breaks etc. You’ll get told at your pre op a few days before xx
Mine was scheduled a week in advance. Start time 8 AM, I had to arrive at 5 AM. Every doctor/hospital is different. Mine was based on my doctor’s availability and we actually scheduled it at my very last appointment.
Mine was scheduled at 8:00 am and they had me come in at 5:30am. With all the prep and everything, ended up starting at 9:00 am. By 9:07, baby was out
Mine was at 6PM
I got told to come in for mine at 11am, didn’t end up getting it until 4:10pm. I completely understood as there is emergencies, just sucks when you been fasting since 2am
I was a pm slot. In for 11:00. I was the only one on the afternoon list / no emergency’s that day. I was taken down (late) at 14:00. Baby came at 14:43.
Mine was at 6pm and they do it later than that (:
I’ve had 2 “planned” sections. When I had my first due to baby being breached I ended up being cancelled at around 4.30pm as they couldn’t for me in due to emergencies so ended up coming back the next morning and was first on the list baby was born at 10.59am. For my second I was brought in for a morning slot but due to several factors, emergencies and no NICU beds available I didn’t go into theatre until 10pm, I had starved for 24 hours (I was not pleasant haha)
I had an afternoon slot and was asked to come in @ 11.15am and fast from 6am - I was called in to Theatre @ 2pm. They have a few afternoon slots so wouldn't be cancelled as it's scheduled. I actually preferred that it was afternoon as I got up early and had some breakfast and had time to get myself and my LG sorted in the morning xx