You’re not alone ❤️ Finding it very challenging as I’m torn between needing to be extra patient as it’s a huge transition for her but then running low on sleep so finding myself snapping. The guilt is horrible 😓
100% relate, it's the worst if she's not cooperating when I need to help her with something (like getting dressed for bed) and the baby is crying. Challenging for obvious reasons especially when sleep deprived. I just try catch myself, remember its not the end of the world if things take a bit longer and that she's not even 2 yet (birthday in January). I'm lucky that so far she seems to love her brother and him crying doesn't upset her, she usually wants to try comfort him .. or just ignores him entirely 😂
I could have written this myself 😅 my just turned 3 year old changed completely a couple of weeks before I gave birth and her behaviour became so difficult that I had little patience which is really unlike me. Splitting the attention between 2 is so tricky but I've found us all going out to get some fresh air helps and allows my daughter to let off some energy!! Remember it will be short term and your first born will adjust 😊🥰
Can definitely relate and you’ve hit the nail on the head! Challenging behaviours to get our attention Im trying my hardest to give him some one to one time daily but it’s hard when partner at work. The guilt is real, his whole world has changed and I can’t give him my undivided time anymore. Hes also not in nursery yet so he’s home with me everyday and I’m struggling with things to do to key him entertained. You are so not alone and I’m sure you’re doing amazing x