@Sarah awe congrats to you!
She's beautiful! Congratulations!!! What time did the induction start on 12/2 and how was that process for you? I get induced on Tuesday and I'm nervous.
congratulations what a cutie 💗
@Monique my induction started at 6 am on Monday and she was here Tuesday morning at 1:49! It felt like it went by so quick! They started me on some medication to get me dilated and soften my cervix, once that started working they administered pitocin, I know some people are a little nervous for pitocin but in my opinion I wasn’t very uncomfortable with it ( it’s different for everyone) they ended up breaking my water for me which just felt like I literally peed myself (it wasn’t painful at all for me)😂 after the pitocin kicked in fully I went from 4cm to an 8 in the matter of 2ish hours. Everything went very smooth and if I had an option to get induced I would definitely do it again! ( I was induced because of low fluid).
@Kaylee did they have to do a folley ball? Did u do an epidural?
@Katia folley no, epidural yes (definitely recommend) 😂
@Kaylee thank you! Hoping for a smooth journey also on dec 15th. Scheduled induction also
@Katia best of luck, you will do great mama!
@Kaylee how many cm were you when you got the epidural? And thank you for the info, I feel better now
@Monique I was at a 4! I got mine right after they broke my water! about 2 1/2 hours later I was at an 8 so it definitely went quick haha
Congratulations, she’s beautiful! 💕 my boy was also born on Dec 3rd 🥰