I’m 8 weeks and mine just stopped. But it was on and off. Doctor thinks I might have gotten my period though even though I’m exclusively breastfeeding.
My bleeding lasted 5 days with my first and like 8 with my second. Got my period at 4 weeks with my first and 6 weeks with my second but I was on birth control
I started bleeding as well and it was my period
Same stop at 8 weeks postpartum
With my first 4 I bled the full 6 weeks with my lil man I bled for 3 weeks n than at 5 n 7 weeks I had a period
don't worry mama i'm the exact same way 8 weeks postpartum, bleed one week, the next nothing, the next i'll bleed for like 3 days and won't bleed for 2. it's getting aggravating
I’m 7 weeks and bled for 3 weeks it went away and now it’s back again
I stopped at 6 weeks but only after my OBGYN had to use silver nitrate to separate the tissue that had formed over my tear that had been exposed and was cashing bleeding… Ouch
I stopped bleeding at 4 or 5 weeks pp. but now its been about 5 weeks since i stopped and i haven’t gotten my period (im not breastfeeding)
I stopped bleeding 9 days postpartum
Im 5 weeks pp and still bleeding, some days are better than others