I'm anticipating along the lines of the same. My family will respect our decisions and have done so with my sister and my niece for sharing photos but the MIL... She's a fully grown child! To the point where when we got our dog, a stranger shouted at us on the beach saying she recognised the dog from photos the MIL had been showing around work 🤦 We're trying to manage expectations, she was insistent on being at the hospital. When we said she wouldn't be, she joked about waiting in the carpark. Now we're getting close to due date. It's daily messages. Thankfully I've kept our actual date vague with everybody. I just don't know how to handle her. My partner says "it's just how she is. If she crosses our boundaries we treat her as a child" 🤦 it's too late once photos have been sent or posted 🥺
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. My MIL is also unbearable and she is arriving today for a 6 week long visit!!! She also shares photos of our little one with every single person and does not respect any boundaries at all so unfortunately I have no advice for you, but wanted to let you know you are not alone..x
@B omg I feel so sorry for you! Honestly she was the same wanting to know when I went into labour and everything!!! I was like I’m not telling you when I go into labour?! Or none of your business and she got upset. wtf is with these MIL’s I would never do this to my sons wife! I understand the need for space and naturally women are closer with their mums, my family respect everything but Mil has her own rules and I’m not having it. I’m ignoring her message tbh . Hope yours doesn’t act crazy when they’re born xx and hope your pregnancy is going well
@Jan makes me so sad we have to deal with them. I’m not giving in! I refuse She messaged saying “may we have a photo he must have changed in the last few weeks’ Like no? So what if he’s changed in the last few weeks why do you need to see a photo of him? No other grandparents have bothered me just her. So infuriating:( xx
It's so hard. And once the boundaries have been crossed or ignored, you just can't trust them anymore. I find the photos that my MIL gets are either circulated to EVERYONE or used as a profile picture. It frustrates me so much! Stick to your boundaries!!! Feel free to PM me if you need to rant..xxx
@Jan thank you lovely honestly the obsession is weird I want to say in a nice way I’m not sending photos of him to anyone anymore Just don’t know how Or I just ignore her message? So frustrating!!!! Back in their day there were no iPhones I hate how much she’s stressing me My mum keeps telling me not to spoil the relationship but honestly I don’t care anymore xx and thank you I definitely will
Still pregnant with my first but my MIL can also be very overbearing and she texts every day. My husband is an only child too and I think it’s just her nature, she is very sweet. I don’t know if it’s rude but I don’t text her back very often. We don’t speak the same language so it’s a bit of work to reply lol, and also I just don’t have anything to say! So yes I would recommend just stop replying to everything and maybe she will get the message and calm down a bit. And I would also talk to your hubby and ask him to have a word with her about boundaries. My hubby is constantly having to have these talks with his mum and some of it does get through. I think if you can and the opportunity presents itself have a bit of a heart to heart and get vulnerable with her so she can see things from your perspective a bit rather than it being stand offish if that makes sense. Hope this helps and that you can find a way to balance things more so she’s not so extreme!
@Kathryn wow thank you my husband is also an only child!!!
If it were me I’d just stop replying so often if you aren’t already. If it doesn’t stop then I’d message her in a nice way to just simmer down tbh 😂 your partner should also be able to tell her to back off a bit though, it’s his mother!