@Sophie we had unprotected sex on 24 November and I had watery period for a few days after that. What do you think of the duration?
Yes you could be pregnant. My period was very consistent immediately after birth but I've always had consistent periods.
@Susie @Sophie do you thinks it's too soon for me to take a pregnancy test? My menstrual cycle app says my period is due in 13 days, shall I wait?
I’d take one today , 2 weeks should be enough time xx
I’m in the same position. lol not sure when to test x
I’ve tested once a week x
Mine are really irregular. I’ve been late 3 times, 4 months pp
my period was very inconsistent PP and i tested a lot, haven’t had a positive. i’d test to be sure
It is normal for periods to be all over the place for up to 2 years pp especially if breastfeeding. I had one at 6 weeks pp then nothing until 9 months. You could test now since the unprotected was a couple of weeks ago.
mine periods have been very irregular since having my baby but definetly test just to make sure x
Definitely possible you’re super fertile after birth , mine was consistent as soon as mine came back , how long ago did you have unprotected sex