I definitely wouldn't say it's appropriate for a 4 year old
I let my oldest watch YouTube kids on her kids tablet and I was quite unhappy with the videos and content. We don’t allow YouTube or YouTube kids unless we are watching with them and choosing all of the videos. I haven’t heard of this but if you feel uncomfortable enough to ask others opinions, I would just stop allowing it.
So you haven't watch with him? I wouldn't allow my 4yo to watch YouTube on his own, only on his tablet which is restricted for children and even then we will keep an eye on what he is watching. Then we just remove YouTube as some content was still questionable. I don't know this program but trust your gut if you think it's not appropriate
I don’t put this on for him, we normally have sensory fruit that he watches whilst playing with his brother. Or something like ms Rachel or super simple songs. When my Husbands home however and I need to get things done he’ll just give him the iPad and watch’s YouTube short clips on there. Rainbow friends seems to have episodes and looks like a normal cartoon storyline so unsure what to make of it
I would recommend getting kidstube rather than YouTube. You can specifically pick what they watch and they get no adverts and can’t click onto random videos. I’d also just watch a few episodes of whatever it is he’s watching and get a vibe for it. There is so much inappropriate stuff on YouTube and they can click onto random random things so easily! Xx
Always watch something before letting your kids watch it, YouTube kids is horrendous for inappropriate content. Best thing to do is download some episodes of something suitable and turn WiFi off
Thank you everyone I think I will go with my gut and delete YouTube off his iPad too. @Emilie thank you I’ve never heard of kidstube so will check it out x
My little brother plays Roblox and this is something from there (not sure if it originated there or a spin off on the game). He’s 16 but says it’s essentially a horror game but with the use of toys etc, a bit like Five nights at Freddy’s. I’ve heard him shout while playing and watching these videos because of the occasional jumpscare. I honestly wouldn’t be letting my child watch anything related to it. Top tip - If you have an apple branded iPad or an iPhone to use, you can use guided access to lock the screen so that he can’t get up whatever he wants. I do this in times where all else fails when we’re out and he needs distracting and will either do the ‘live’ videos of dancing fruit or a video that’s several hours long/a compilation so that I know a different one won’t play in the meantime of it being locked. It works wonders and you can still change volume etc but they can’t change the screen, turn it off or play a diff video! Xx
When I see the characters I don’t know what to make of it.