I grew up with 2 younger brothers and we are all very close they both look out for me even tho I'm the oldest I get ridiculous mum guilt too like if I go out and leave her with my partner I feel so bad for leaving her and going out I think its just part of being a parent
The guilt comes over the weirdest things I have both a sister and two brothers and I’m close to all. I actually get along with my brother more than my sister and there’s a much bigger age gap between us.
I have mom guilt over everything. My husband tells me almost every day that I'm too hard on myself. On Saturday, I fell down the stairs with my 6 month old in my arms. My husband made sure our LO was ok, I went into the kitchen to cry. I wasn't crying in pain, but because my baby was crying in shock. I felt terrible that I caused her to cry that much. I didn't even care that I was hurt
i experience mom guilt hella, but something someone told me that helps me cope, bad moms dont feel guilty
I’m sure your little girl will love a little brother doesn’t matter that it isn’t a girl - I have 2 younger brothers and grew up with a close connection with them even though I would’ve loved a sister I know they both look out for me even though I’m the eldest x