@Sarsha yes omg the soft belly. I’m having that right now it’s like he’s dropping super low or something
I’m going through the same!!
A belly band can help and increasing collagen. I’m 34 weeks with #4 and have seen a decrease in my Braxton hicks when my belly is lifted with my belly band. You can also try kt tape. I like it because you can keep it on for multiple days. That definitely has helped decrease them as well
I’ve been having them too. Some are real contractions. Has the dr checked your cervix? At 35 weeks (last week) I was 80% effaced and 2cm. They said since I called yesterday about seeing blood when I wiped yesterday and Tuesday night that they might check today.
I been having the same issue and I'm also 35 weeks!! I swear I have more Braxton hicks and a hard belly throughout the day than it is soft. It's so uncomfortable