No medication. And I just informed my therapist. But my husband just makes it worse by complaining about everything not being compassionate about anything. He acts like he don't care. Like I forget things I normally wouldn't and he's like how can you forget don't you listen ñ. Like wtf. I'm going through hell and he don't care. It's like he's not paying no attention. Bitching and complaining when I don't get a chance to clean. Or complaining if I don't take a run to the store. When I'm not going to take my newborn out in this cold weather. Like I know he works all day but he acts like I don't do shit all day. But I'm literally up with the baby all day and night. It's bad enough I labored on my own since he was at work all day. That was so embarrassing being on my own and getting looked at and stares.
Sounds like he is a huge contributing factor for the depression. Is there someone you can go stay with for a few weeks to get some rest and support? A friend?
Nope got no one and I know he's a big part of the issue n he don't care. He just keeps on going. He already said about having me admitted if I'm depressed like that's how little he cares
He’s a horrible partner and I’m sorry you’re going through this. I wish the roles between you two could be reversed for a day or two so that he sees the mental load of having a child.
Have you been given any medications to help? Do you have a counselor? It could be post of the depression.. I know when I’m stressed with little to no sleep, all little things bother me coming from my partner. You’re not alone in these feelings…i hope you feel better soon. Reach out for help ❤️