Most Christian holidays correlate and are tweaked versions of much older pagan holidays. Pagans celebrate the winter solstice which is what correlates with Christmas. This year it falls on the 22nd.
I don’t believe it is a pagan holiday
Yeah I don't mess with holidays . Only holidays we celebrate is our birthdays lol we know those are real 🤣 the other holidays are just a money play for society.
Yes it is a pagan holiday. No evidence of the birth of Jesus in December whatsoever. My religion doesn’t celebrate Christmas for that reason.
I think it's been called Yule ? Do correct me if I'm wrong here but it was originally a pagan holiday before the god fearing Christians tweaked it make it where Jesus was born on December 25
@Vanessa Armendariz yeah that’s why the dessert is called a Yule log. my son loves the show Hilda and they talk about a few of the Yule things, like the Yule lads ! The Yule date changes dependant on the winter solstice this year is the 21st I think. But over the years yes all these different traditions jumbled together and formed Christmas
@Lydia ah alright and I've seen them here in Washington state and I told my husband that the Yule log looks amazing :)
@Ginger some of the Christmas traditions are pagan or from the celtics though, it’s not really something to believe or not. Like mistletoe or wreaths or holly!
Early christians aligned some of their holidays with pagan holidays so it was easier to convert them. (Sorry if that offends anyone, can't think of another way to say it) I think in modern society christmas is way more commercialised than it is religious. I grew up Christian but have been agnostic for years and my partner grew up and still is Pagan so we celebrate Yule which is the main inspiration behind christmas. Also it's more likely that Jesus was born in September and Yule goes off the winter solstice so is always on the 21-22 December.
@Ginger lol but it's history? It's not actually up for debate
Yeah it was originally. Also theorised it was to replace saturnalia. There is no evidence Jesus was born the 25th or even in December/ winter!