My LO has a great relationship with my mum (his Granny) she’s been so hands on since he was born and even now when I’m there she’ll feed him and change him. He has no issues with being with her and her partner. He loves it and doesn’t worry that me and his dad are not there. X
@Maizie I’ve not left my boy with my mum yet but she sees him quite often. I have left him with other relatives but seems he gets upset when I’m not there. I am going to build up amount of time I leave him and hope this helps 🥰
@Kk Sorry to hear this! I have no doubt you are an amazing mum now and such an inspiration to your baby 💫 I 100% trust the people I intend to leave little one with, so fortunately I’m not anxious in that sense. Just finding it hard to leave baby and doesn’t help that he gets upset without me or dad there. But it’s early days, alongside separation anxiety beginning to peak at this age, so I’m hoping we can work on this (we’ve got to really as eventually I’ll be in work)🤞🏻
I think it's fine if it's with your mum or dad. I may not give the best advice because I have a terrible childhood growing up because my parents left me in the care of my uncles (dad's brothers) I still remember an abuse that happened when I was just 3 years old. I don't know how but it's still there. Was abused by 2 different uncles on different times and cousins. That I grew up thinking sex was normal. Just like I said. I am paranoid and may not be the best adviser. But rather with your mum than extended family