I’ve had a couple of hot baths and I’ve been ok. Wouldn’t recommend it though as it does say you shouldn’t really have hot baths. I usually shower i don’t get baths often x
I think it's only over a certain temp. If a bath really relaxes you, there are temp things on Amazon for a few quid. Same as you'll use in babies bath 🥰
Thermometer! Baby brain early here 🤣
I have a bath most days, just have the water no hotter then 38degrees. I use my toddlers duck thermometer 🤣
Bath was the only thing that got me through my first pregnancy lol.
I’ve always been told that a bath is fine, just try to avoid it being any hotter than 38 degrees ❤️
If u are red when u get out it’s too hot x
You can have a bath as long as your water is not to hot