My little boy has struggled with his tummy since birth. It's horrible. We are prescribed laxido aswell. We saw a pediatrician who advised that as my son has more dairy it should clear up (he was dairy free as had an intolerance as a baby) but we've now completed the milk ladder and still have issues. It's horrible as he will lay on the floor and strain, breaks my heart. I would push for a refferal to pediatrician if you can. Although they didn't help us to be honest, they just said to give laxido every single day, surely this cant be right?! We are currently trying gluten free in the hope this will help as he seems in so much discomfort with his tummy all the time. It may not solve the issue but at this point anything is worth a go. Good luck and I hope you get the answers you need x
@Liane oo didn’t think about probiotics. Will look into that thank you.
@Sarah yes I feel like after a point they become immune to the laxative medication. Surely, it can’t be good for them to take everyday 🥲will definitely have to address this again as it isn’t getting any better. Thank you x
Hi have you tried introducing a probiotic sometimes it helps. There’s one for toddlers
We’ve been in a similar position and we were prescribed movicol by the GP to try and clear it. It worked, but came back when we stopped. I’ve introduced probiotic drops and it seems to have helped a bit. May be worth a try. Awful seeing them in pain straining 😔