I mean I met with health visitors at a GP for the 10-12 checkup but they’re not assigned to me? Some girls talk as if they know one personally 🤷♀️
I think it's a postcode lottery. Some areas seem to have a lot more routine visits than others. I don't find them very helpful tbh so not bothered not having much contact
In my area after about 8wks you have to contact them if you have any concerns and they will call you back or set up a visit if needed. I have done this a few times for various reasons, usually just a phonecall to talk things over and reassure me my LO is normal e.g. terrified of the cot and sleep problems. The only exception being the 10-12mth review where they called us to book the appointment.
I haven’t seen mine since he was newborn but I was given a number that I can text if I do need to get in touch with one. I haven’t used it though
Their ‘routine’ checks are very minimal, should have a check around 6-8 weeks and then it jumps right to 9-12 months, then nothing until 2 years.
They sign you off at some point. Usually they would tell you when. For us it was around 6-8 weeks. In theory you’re entitled to one until they’re 5 years old. Contact your local authority and they will be able to help you. It will probably come down to whether they think you need more support / how many resources your borough have.
I haven’t had one since mine was about 5 months, she’s 16 months now 🫠