My first had colic too it was horrendous so I completely empathise with how you feel and wanting to source out the reason for the discomfort (I get so panicked it’s happening again whether he fusses). After my first I knew how much the biogaia drops helped them poo so I’ve been giving my second them and can honestly say the days he does go he is so much happier. It’s a probiotic to help their tummy/gut and was recommended by the osteopath for my first. We are booked in for cranial osteopathy in Jan which helps relieve tension which can also help with things like reflux, feeding especially breastfeeding as helps reduce restrictions and encourage more movement amoungst so many other things. I was also told green poo can be normal but also a sign of too much lactose in the milk. A way to help this is to ensure you are draining the breast fully and that baby is having the watery milk first and the fatty milk after. Then swap breasts if needed and not before. If they are still struggling
With the lactose you can try colief drops to break down the lactose. I used them with my first who was formula fed and it made a difference for us but was so much easier to administer. We are also breast feeding this time so can be a little trickier to do but would definitely give them a go if I felt i needed to. I hope any of that is useful. It’s so hard when you know something is wrong but don’t know what. I also don’t know if I’m breast feeding properly either as it’s also my first time but it sounds like you’re doing amazing and whatever is happening is not your fault. I also recommend fox and the moon on Instagram and rock a bye hub on Instagram. I went to see Faye at rock a bye hub with my first as she had a tongue tie and she is a specialist and she gave us exercises to do and it really helped. I was told she wasn’t tied but she was as GPs and midwife’s are not trained in ties. Hope it helps you even a little but if not just to say this won’t last forever xx
Also if you do think it’s is CMPA keep asking your doctor for a prescription milk to try x
This sounds just like my first. She had severe reflux and a tongue tie x
Honestly to me it sounds like colic and maybe some reflux too My first was like that til 3 months and it was brutal. If you’re really concerned about poos when I asked the doc about a dairy intolerance cuz my guy was going thru what yours was she basically said if there’s no blood in stool I’m not worried. Not the best advice but my guy is now 18 months and IS lactose. I know people go on about your consumption of dairy etc but personally breastfed my second baby and the things I ate didn’t have much effect on her so I’m not convinced that’s ur problem. I hope you figure it out soon! Persevere ! And u got this!
It’s so hard. I’m in same situation as you second baby. This one breast fed and although she’s not sick. She’s uncomfortable all the time. Her feeds have got alot shorter now she’s 6 weeks but so so uncomfortable from 8pm until 4-5am knees up, red, grunting etc. I’m sure it’s her bum and she needs to fart/ poo. We get one big ish poo a day then nothing. If I were you I’d take your one to a lactation consultant if it’s something you can afford. I think that’s what we’ll do if she doesn’t settle. I’ll talk to our GP at her 6 week check (which isn’t until she’s 8-9 weeks) but sadly I don’t imagine they will be much help
Firstly to say, sending you all the hugs as I’m sure you’re doing an amazing job! Do you eat dairy? My friends little one has CMPA (cows milk protein allergy) and it sounds similar to what she experienced! Definitely worth speaking to your GP and health visitor regardless xx