So this is not a big thing then x
I wouldn’t worry about it! They’ll just do another growth scan at a later date and keep eye on growth x
Also could be that as your gestation has gone on your baby is getting more in proportion with time if that makes sense
I think there is 20% margine of error for the scans so they aren't that accurate. It sounds like they are already keeping an eye on things so just see what happens at the next scan
Scan measurements become less and less accurate as baby gets bigger, that’s why the dating scan should happen between 11-14 weeks as this is when it’s most accurate to set a due date. After that the margin of error increases. It’s not a big deal especially if they aren’t flagging any concerns and typically will only want to monitor if below 10th centile or above 90th. Otherwise the measurements/percentiles are just calculated based on what they are measuring at the current gestation against the averages/data they have in their system. It’s really a guide! My girl constantly dropped in measurements as weeks went on compared to the average percentiles. Though it’s quite inaccurate and mm makes a difference. I had regular scans for other reasons but she was still growing on her own trajectory which is what is important. She was born 15 days over at 3.5kg (even at due date would’ve been c.3kg which is perfectly fine).
Yeah it happens a lot more frequently than you think! Baby’s weight does drop here and there I had it with my last baby and she was just born on smaller side