Thank you for the message, my LO is 2 years old. My anxiety has definitely got worse the older she gets (not sure why this is) We did have a health visitor but haven’t been seen for a while, I know I’m overreacting but it’s hard to keep myself calm at times x
Hi, I completely understand. Anxiety takes over doesn't it!! Do you know if your health visiting service have drop ins or a text service. My local one does and just being able to text and get a message back sometimes helps. Sometimes just writing it down makes me realise it's just anxiety and I don't even send it. I think as parents anxiety never goes away but I hope for you that it doesn't take away from the joy of being mummy too. Xx
It's so tricky isn't it! How old is your LO? I feel the same and those niggling feelings always seem to win against reason don't they! What I have found is messaging my health visitor has helped, just to get advice or at least give me peace of mind. It doesn't always work because anxiety takes over but over time I can see when I'm overreacting. Do you have a health visitor service that you could message just for a quick check in when things are really worrying you? Xx