My daughter had some books beside the toilet (just normal books not toilet training ones) she looks at while on the toilet.
Some normal toilets are scary for little kids, can be ok for wee because you don't need to force yourself or you don't need a particular position, maybe a potty that looks like a little toilet? Or the adapter for a little bump with her favorite cartoon?
@Melina I ended up getting one of the adapting toilet seats cause she didn’t want to use her potty that we got her I feel like we’re just running out of options 😩
@Chrissy oh I’ve seen that flamingo lol We normally get her to sit on the toilet before putting a nappy on but she just thinks it’s fun and games but I might try the YouTube videos
@Sharon we have also tried books then she thinks it’s all fun and games and starts mucking around 😬
Oh also we have a over the toilet seat with step and handles on it. She picked it at the shops. It’s much more stable than the little seats on top. I feel like that helps too
Our flamingo lives on a little stool near the toilet. It’s just to play with in there. So that could help
@Chrissy I might need to invest in this flamingo haha
My 2 year 8 month old is TT now. He is nude at home and the potty is nearby at all times.
We have the “gotta go flamingo” that seems to help my little one. Super mega praise too, and YouTube poo and wee videos. Could she just sit on the toilet and watch some YouTube and not have it related to pooing? Then she might just go?