Sorry, that sounds really tough. If you the issue is induced from nursery, can you ask nursery to not change him lying down? Maybe they can be a bitore accomodating to his needs? Also, I think with behaviour issues, you can try explain to him (when he is calm) that it's ok to to feel angry but it's not ok to bite or kick. So you acknowledge his emotions but also tell him that his behaviour is not ok. Just have to keep doing it over and over again till your little one understands their emotions. There's a book someone recommended me to help toddlers understand their emotions - Find your Happy. Have a look and see if you think it's something that can help your little one. Hope it helps. ❤️
This might help:
Hi, can I just start by saying you are doing amazing because 4 hours to get dressed I truly would have lost my shit. However some useful things I’ve learnt we have to be leaders, when we aren’t leaders that’s when they are the leader, don’t be afraid of the tantrums they are good! But you’ve got to show him you are in charge, so if you say something you got to set a boundary and follow through with said boundary. It’s not nice to over power them but sometimes it has to be done (I defo think you’ve got to do some detective work though as to what is causing the nappy issue ) there’s a book called ‘feelings’ I find it’s been good for my 3 year old , but yeah try also watching some parenting coach’s like Lisa bunnage - hope this helps! Currently fighting some battles with my 3 year old now so I’m just telling myself this too x
It's tough I know. My daughter has potential adhd and it's been super challenging at times. What I have learned is that they wnat to be in control.. Control control control. That's the key word here. And the only things they really can control is food, sleep, bath and toilet. So that's what they will try and control at every point. I've started giving options, within my limits but it makes them feel like they are in control. Do you wnat to take a bath or a shower? Do you wnat to wear a pull up or a normal nappy or knickers? Do you wnat to eat in the kitchen or the dining room That way, they think they have a choice, but they don't really. Do you wnat to help me pick your clothes today. This shirt or this one? (and which one of the Matching Pants do you wnat with that shirt? What shoes would you like to wear? Shall we brush your teeth before dinner or before bed? I'm not sure if you're doing this already, but try and keep us posted.
Also, they feel overwhelmed because they can't choose. They have to do what you say they have to do and they don't want to. I also bought a visible timer. Mommy, I wnat to watch Peppa pig!! You absolute can watch Peppa pig for 10mins!! And then we will have dinner. I then set the visible timer and alarm for 10mins and when it goes I go in the lounge and say ok, we had a deal. You watch Peppa for 10mins and then we have dinner. Before I turn of the TV I do 2 things. 1. I say, ok, I'll be turning if the TV now in 5...4...3...2...1 Turn off. 2. You can definitely watch Peppa again at another time because you listened to me so well. Thank you for being so good. I am proud of you. 3. When she gets violent (usually towards me) I hold her wrists, bend down to her level. Tell her: Mommy lives you soooo much, but if you continue to hit me, you are choosing to hurt me. That usually gets her to stop! Hope this helps. Let us know. Good luck!
I feel the nappy issue has come from nursery as he’s not long started and is quite shy with toileting and they change him a lot during the day like 4/5 times in a bathroom with other children watching and also do him lying down which he hates but he doesn’t kick off then kicks off when he comes home.