Sore nipples

EBF and my nipples are so sore. It looks like the top layer skin has come off them and my areola. They are red raw and just won’t heal. I’ve tried silver nipple cups and try and have them out at night to air. I also put nipple cream on frequently. They have improved a bit doing all this but not healed. The health visitor and nurse have said it’s not thrush and don’t seem concerned. Does anyone have any tips?
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It could be that your baby is maybe not latching properly at the nipple? - does baby have a nice wide mouth when they feed? - what does your nipple look like when you feed I.e. how much areola can you see - is your nipple misshapen after feeds e.g. pointed, or flat on one side? - does feeding hurt you? - what positions are you using to feed?

I had thrush without any visible signs, maybe worth buying cream over the counter just in case? You could also try some anti inflammatory cream it might help? I found wearing a bra at all makes my nipples sore and irritates so I can't wear anything that's tight or even slightly firm. It has to be loose and flexible.

I would contact a different hv for support with latch or the midwife at local clinic or specialises in breastfeeding support. Nipples shouldn't be painful 7wks in unless baby not latching properly. My hv also gave me some wet gauze thing, can't for life think.what it was called but your hv should know, you can't buy it in shops but they gave me a handful when my daughter was born as we struggled to latch properly for a week.

It's worth going to a breastfeeding class, failing that have you checked baby for tongue tie? Same thing happened to me only the midwives noticed the tongue tie and it's so much better since having it sorted.

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