Nursing pads are a Godsend lol but the leaking does stop eventually. Ive just started pumping the opposite breast while baby eats because I'm trying to get a better milk stash this time around.
I have worn nursing pads 24/7 for over a year of nursing. The leaking has slowed for me now that I’m weaning but has still not stopped entirely.
I still leak at 14 months pp although not quite as bad as I did at the start 🤦🏽♀️
Hakkaa collection cup
Collection cups were a lifesaver for me. They don't suck like the Haaka does but stop you soaking through the bra! Edit: yes it did stop eventually!
I caught it in shells/collection cups, I used to combine all throughout 5 days so would end up with a good 5oz to put in the freezer or give to dad to feed in a bottle. Definitely invest in nursing pads! I barely leak at all now baby is almost 14m but still wear pads every day and night, just in case!
Yes will stop after you regulate to baby’s feedings🙂
I sometimes use the catch. But also end up just washing it down the drain. So I've just been folding up a wash cloth and shoving it in which ever side🤦🤷 you can also get nursing pads.