
Baby is 3 weeks old and recently he cries all the time. Even when offering the breast he fusses and cries and screams then if I lay him down or hold him he just screams at me and cries cannot seem to calm in anyway I can even offering the breast doesn’t seem to soothe him. At a wits end of stopping breastfeeding due to this as I cannot handle the screams anymore 😞
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He may be struggling with trapped wind or colic. Maybe try some colic drops with him and some leg/belly exercises to get his system moving (there are loads of exercise vids online). My baby was the same at 3wks too

It could potentially be a growth spurt. I would just continue doing what your doing and it should pass 🙂

My first did this, and it was dairy and soy allergy. It took 3m before anyone listened to me and gave a diagnosis. The dairy in the milk was causing silent reflux (it comes up, burns the throat, and then goes back down). Because there was no vomit, we had no idea how much pain she was in. She would fuss at the breast, latch briefly, and scream. It was awful. Obviously, I dont know if this is the issue with your baby, but silent reflux is definitely worth a consideration/investigation. I cut out dairy, and in the meantime, we were prescribed baby gaviscon and then lansoprazole to ease the acid. She was like a different baby xx

My son was the same at the start of the week just hang in there Hun they go through these stages at around 3 weeks when they have their growth spurt. X

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