Weaning off breastfeeding….HELP!

My son is 16 months. He’s been eating solids since he was 6 months. I breast feed him before his two naps and bed time. If he wakes up in the middle of the night I feed him to go back to bed…which has been more often than not these days. He never took to formulas, or bottles or pacifiers. And doesn’t like cows milk. We’ve tried it all….hes preferred on tap since the beginning. I’ve tried to take out nursing for the past week during his first nap and it has exhausted me. The only way I can get him to fall asleep is if I take him for a drive. Or if he is at my parent’s house away from me. I don’t know what to do to get him to stop nursing. And I am not a cry it out mom. Any advice??
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My daughter is 14 months and we're exactly the same. Breastfeeding for sleep and overnight. Never took to pacifiers or bottles and doesn't drink any other milk. I've started weaning her from breastfeeding and went for a consultation with my lactation consultant which was helpful for a confidence boost, moral support and a plan of how to reduce feeds. I've started with the morning nap and it took a few days of failed attempts but the last 2 days she has gone down with 20-30mins of being rocked then put in the crib and patting her butt. From the lactation consultants advice, over time she will adjust and it will get easier. I feel good about this process because I'm not leaving her upset. Once I'm confident about the morning nap I'll move on to weaning for the second nap then bedtime then overnight. I've tried before but it never felt right until now. You got this!

Thanks for the advice! Did she cry hard about not getting milk during nap time? And when did you give in to her and let her breastfeed to put her down?

She cried but not too much. Less than when I've tried just leaving her on her own. I'd give in and feed her if she didn't settle after a few minutes of rocking and butt patting in my arms. I just kind of based it off how the situation made me feel if that makes sense

Same! But just trying to get night nursing to stop🙃 my daughter also doesn’t like cows milk on its own so we add vanilla yogurt to it and she loves it. (we usually do that because she doesn’t eat solids very well so we have to supplement for her meals)

I’m also having issues with him feeding at night. He was sleeping on his own through the night all of December. He got really sick on Christmas and his sleeping has gone down since then. He stopped sleeping through the night. I can go in and settle him when he wakes up, but after the 2-3 time of him waking up crying he refuses to go back to sleep on his crib. He is teething his molars right now and wakes up in so much pain. He will fall asleep in bed with me until about 3-4AM and then he won’t go back to sleep unless I nurse him until he wakes up at 7. Any thoughts on this??

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