Any breast feeding mamas?

My supply has decreased over the last few days and my period started today. What does this mean, am I going to dry up completely. My baby is combi fed and I express but recently it become alot more painful (in the breast not the nipples) to pump. Is this what happens when your period return? And has the milk dried up because of the period I or the period because of the milk decreasing? I'm upset about it, my LO is only 3 months and I planned on pumping a lot longer. My diet is poor and I don't drink as much as I once did. Just feels impossible to find the time for it all lately as baby is needing more from me. Any information would be appreciated (I posted in breast feeding groups but not got a response)
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I recently noticed a decrease in my milk supply. I was expressing a very small quantity, but since yesterday, my supply has increased. I hope this improvement continues. Here’s what I’ve been doing: • Drinking much more, including infusions of fennel and fenugreek. • Eating plenty of nuts and meat. • Emptying my breasts with the pump to ensure my body produces more milk. • Keeping my baby on my breast as much as possible to stimulate prolactin production. I’ve also been relaxing with my baby, watching movies and spending time skin-to-skin. • Relaxing overall: I was stressed about many things, but now I’m focusing on spending quality time with my baby.

To be fair these are the things I did before when it was ok.. it's never been great, always had to use formula . But now it's 1-2 oz a pump and beginning to hurt a bit. I also have a cold at the moment which I think affects it, and I've been pretty stressed. My baby is so boisterous and hates being still, I used to try skin on skin in the early days and it just feels he hates it. I'll try all these things though,thank you!

Because I don't breast feed due to my baby having severe tongue tie, it's been corrected twice and still horrendous, I struggle to pump as much as I need as my partner works and baby needs me all the time, won't nap alone etc so I never get a minute. I probably pump about 3-4 times in the day and once at night. Do you think I'll lose my supply all together? @Aida

Hey hun, I read on other posts that some women experience a bit of a dip around their period. I don't know from experience as the yours truly hasnt made a comeback yet. Read this

Thank you so much @Julia

The return of your period doesn't mean the end of breastfeeding. My period returned after a year, but I breastfed for 2 years 3 months. Think about it, lots of women do extended breastfeeding and it doesn't mean they didn't get their period for 3, 4, or 5 years & more 🙂

Hi deary. I can hear how frustrated you are sending you 🫂. Firstly you must take care of yourself to help with your supply. As difficult as it sounds you must drink water. A few things I found helpful were: -Having a water bottle/cup with a straw close by so when you see it you'll want to have a drink. -Drink lots of citrus drinks eg orange juice,pineapple juice,lemonade. can make porridge or add to a smoothie. Ice creams that contain oats( i think ben and jerry has one. I'll send you a photo) -Rest. Relaxation is key as you won't feel functional with lack of rest. As for your LO not being able to nap alone try putting him to nap on his tummy for short periods as he may have an unsettled tummy and it's hard for him to stay awake. Try keeping him busy until he's tired then give a warm bath. Singing and dancing with him will help both you and him. Talk to him alot. They do listen. I hope these tips help in some way. Sending you lots of love ❤️ You Got This💪🏼

@Devette thank you so much for your comment 🤍

I’ve recently noticed an increase in the amount I pump in the evening once baby sleeps and can say it’s solely due to eating overnight steel cut oats with chia seeds and flaxseeds (ground). I’ve also upped my protein intake and will usually have 2/3 eggs a day mixed with veges and spinach and have protein yogurt as a snack. So eating a decent amount in terms of calories. This has all helped me, including drinking lots of water and have fibre/fruit. Hope it works for you! I feel you re not having time to yourself, my babe will also only sleep on me!

@Sana thanks for your comment! Oats are a tricky one as I was told I'm pre diabetic now and had GD in pregnancy. So that's something they always told me to stay away from 🥲 so it's difficult. Also been pescatarian for 7 years but began eating meat again to try help my supply as I hate the usual protein foods vegetarians eat. But you're right I need to put my diet first as it has well and truly been derailed. Baby is so demanding at the moment and just cries all the time/ never sleeps at night. So I'm just trying to find time to pump when home alone with him during the days. I really appreciate your input.

I’m sorry, it’s tough I know. You must be so shattered. Have you tried the sling / carrier with baby during day time naps? As my bubs only sleeps on me I stick her in a sling and then usually use that time to put myself first and eat. I’ll prep my food and then make it whilst she’s in the sling and make sure I eat (usually standing up!). I’ve noticed this has helped my supply as I’m not reaching for junk food/eating all the easy carbs. Re pre diabetic, check with your doc re steel cut oats. They are a good low GI carb (I also had GD) and didn’t trigger my sugar levels too much. You could have a small portion with some chia seeds soaked in Greek yogurt or kefir milk to counter the oats. I also add peanut butter for extra protein. It’s super yummy with some chopped dates or honey (may not be good for your sugar levels though!). Honestly I think this and the ground flaxseeds have made the difference for me. You could even try the flaxseeds with Greek yogurt if you don’t want the oats. Xx

I combine feed and I find my supply is best when I’ve eaten lots of protein and fibre and have had plenty of water . Your supply can differ daily but if you improve diet and water intake you might see that it becomes better and more consistent. I never pump now, I just offer breast first and then he has a top up if needed. X

Thank you everyone x

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