Baby looks nothing like me

Anyone struggling with this? I have bonded great with my LO but they seriously look nothing like me and everyone won't stop commenting on it. I am mixed, the dad is white, our LO is white and has all of his features and apparently only has my attitude and facial expressions (lol!). I love her so much but I do feel it stops me from fully connecting with her as being my daughter at times
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So when I was small I looked nothing like my parents or family members until I got alot older. Also one of my cousins doesn’t look anything like our family members to this day. Sometimes it happens. I do have one family member who looks nothing like us currently but looks exactly like our great great great grandmother.

I'm white and my husband is Indian. You wouldn't know our LG is half Indian atm (she's almost 15 weeks) and I know my husband finds it hard when people comment on how she doesn't look like half Indian, even though she has his hair, eyelashes and temperament. I did ask our midwife and health visitor about when a baby's skin tone comes through and they both said it can take a while.

I'm black and my husband is white my daughter came out looking exactly like her dad skin complexion and all! Lol at first it was a little different like the first week or so but that's my baby she came out of me so idc what anyone says she's mine just as much as she's his and we have a beautiful bond. Don't let that stop you from fully connecting with your daughter. If toy and your partner were the same race and the baby came out looking just like him would it still make a difference?

@Daichel you're right. I think people just keep saying it and it's like omg I get it 😂 but yeah. I think as ai am mixed with darker complexion, I just thought something of my dominant genes would stick but apparently not 😂. She is a beauty ofc!

I have a 13m baby boy. Im black abs dad’s white. He came out looking exactly like his dad. I felt like I was being punished lol. It felt weird at first. I never imagined having a baby that didn’t look like me but he has my personality. He’s kind and loves to smile like me. He needs me. He loves me. I can’t help but love him back even more. Even when I’m shopping with him at target and I get double looks I learned to not care because he’s mine.

My baby girl looks so much like her dad (Asian) and almost nothing like me though she did get my hair. It absolutely never made a difference to me we don’t look alike and she’s her father’s tiny twin she’s still the light of my life even if all she gets from me is my hair.

I don’t look anything like my mom. In fact, when I was born, I came out looking more Chinese (my dad side) and my mom is Indian (much darker than me). Nurses were always hesitant when they brought me to my mom. Now that I have my son, he doesn’t look anything like me. He may have my eyes but he looks a lot like his dad. I got so paranoid that decided to change my last name to match my son 🙄. I kind of regret the name change. Don’t let it get to you. Keep connecting with her and ignore the others.

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