Im EBF, and she eats every 2hrs pretty much on the dot during the day. Sometimes, she'll go slightly longer if she ends up with a later nap in between feeds, and the nap pushes her eating back. She sleeps 7-9hrs through the night, though, so she gets all of her calories during the day.
Right now she’s anywhere between 2-3 hours but recently it’s been closer to the 3 hours period. Now last night idk what she had going on but she was waking up every hour to eat
My boy goes for about 3 1/3-4 hours. Every baby is different and when EBF it all depends on latch and flow too.
About every two hours for us as well
my baby is 4.5 months and usually during the day we do 2 hours almost on the dot, but sometimes we can push it to 3. at night he usually sleeps one big chunk of about 4-6 hours and then he usually wakes and eats again after 2-3
My son nursed every 30 min to an hour at this age (on demand). My daughter this time is averaging about 2 hours
The blueberry/cheerio graphic is pretty spot on in my experience with on demand nursing
@Miranda loved this!!
My son eats every hour or less 🥲
I EBF and my baby normally goes 2 hours in between feedings sometimes a little longer.