Potty Training Since September and now accidents everyday…

Need help! My 3 year old little girl has been potty training since just before her birthday in September and now all of a sudden it seems we have hit some sort of regression. She has made an accident every day this past week (including 2 days where she had 2 at nursery). Previously at the beginning we were giving her a chocolate chip everytime she went and then we cut it down to just to go poo (because it was a struggle to get her to go on the potty for no. 2’s) and then we finally managed to do it just once at the end of the day every time she didn’t make an accident for the whole day. We were just about to start potty training her at night and she managed 3 nights successfully at my in laws but then It picked up again (she always had very wet nappies when she woke up) but now it’s like we have back tracked completely…. I don’t know what or why this has happened but any advice?
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We went through this last month but I put it down to me being pregnant and her having big feelings. Overnight is a hormonal change in the body and not something that can be trained per se (although worth a shot if you want and she’s having dry night already!). She’s been trained since August and she still wears her “night time knickers” nappy which is wet in the morning. When she’s consistently dry we’ll drop the nappy. It’s not forever, we just went back to her potty training books and she’s much better again (although I wouldn’t be surprised if she regresses a little again when baby arrives) xx

It's very normal for them to go through a regression, and I personally would just leave her in night time pull ups for now until she's a bit older, night time wetting is to do with her hormones, I think it's difficult to train x

I could have written this! Exactly the same, we went back to reward charts with prizes and seem to be back on track 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I had started to talk to her about dry nights and I wonder if it was the pressure of that.

Hmmm reassuring to see that lots have been in the same boat, I’m thinking it’s because I’m expecting again…I’m still fairly early (only at 11 weeks) but the nausea and sickness has hit like a ton of bricks the past 6 weeks so she has probably caught on (my husband is convinced it’s not because of that but I have my doubts… 🥲)

Oh it absolutely is that, my sons potty training went out the window when I was expecting my second too, it was that bad we ended up back in pull ups during the day for a very short while before he said "I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy" and wanted the pull ups back off again. I put it down to the fear of change and him wanting control over something x

He was around 2 and a half at the time x

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