We have shown him the potty and encourage him to sit there once a day (he sits for 2 seconds 🤣🤣). Not planning to start potty training until he says he wants to use the potty. We are in no rush and want to respect him timings
I have a potty in our downstairs toilet my little girl comes when I go and sits on the potty pretends to wipe and we wash/dry hands. She thinks it's loads of fun 😂 i will wait until summer and warmer weather to try properly but she loves copying us so started getting her used to it now
I introduced potty at 12 months just one wee opportunity "pottytunity" per day. Started with after lunch. Went well so as weeks went by added after breakfast after dinner after wake ups. At 14mo started offering him on intuition at which point this definitely became late start elimination communication. He got better at releasing wee more quickly and reliably so I read the whole "go diaper free" book by Andrea olson at 15 mo tracked his timings (a day with just trousers no nappy or underwear we only had 2 accidents on the floor). And now doing proper elimination communication but I'm teaching skills for potty independence. If he doesn't naturally take the lead I will do the potty training program "tiny potty" by Andrea olson at around 18 mo and if he still doesn't start telling us when to take him then I would do oh crap potty training at 20 months. I'm honestly enjoying it at the moment it's all a learning process and yes clean some wee off the floor but it's nicer than fighting a crocodile to lie down
For nappy change who doesn't want to lie down because he can walk 😅 he's so proud when he does a wee or poo in potty and dumps into the toilet. It's so cute. He puts his fist in the air and leans his head towards that arm to show how proud he is. Sometimes he signals its potty time by going to the bathroom or even flushing toy potty there. I hope it can keep going so well and the handover to nursery will go OK when he starts there at 18mo
We are planning to follow the "Oh Crap" book, so having him run around naked for a few days and sticking him on the potty as soon as he starts weeing/pooing as opposed to the traditional method (sitting them on the potty regularly and hoping they go). It's meant to be a lot faster. We are waiting until February half term so we have the time at home to do it. We decided he was ready because he grabs his wet nappy, knows when he is going and communicates/understands well enough. The book has a list of suggested things that mean they are ready :)