Breastfeeding gets easier! 🤍

For those who formula feed, no judgement whatsoever -- this is just a post aimed at those who want to breastfeed. I promise that even if it feels hard at first with baby feeding a lot, any discomfort as boobs/nipples adjust etc., it does get a *hell* of a lot easier if you persevere and seek support from local BF groups, lactation consultants, infant feeding teams etc. Baby nursing very frequently or fussing is normal in the early days (provided they are gaining weight, have wet and dirty nappies and so forth) in order to up your supply. We are made to breastfeed so it's extremely rare that milk is somehow not enough or isn't coming in -- this myth is quite prevalent on the internet but isn't really a thing. Early days are about increasing the supply to what baby demands. 🙏❤️ Later on, breastfeeding becomes an absolute breeze.
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Thank you for this 🤍 I'm so nervous and have read so much about how hard it is but I really want it to work

I understand the purpose of your post, but for someone like me who really tried, struggled and stopping, is a bit of a trigger. You can also want to breastfeed and really struggled with supply, exhaustion and other factors. I managed to do it with my first, but this time around is too much for me and I feel already uneasy about my decision to stop. For those who are struggling and keep going, we'll done, it will get better, but for those who can't anymore it's also alright, it is hard work, physically and mentally

Dude nobody tells you how hard it is!!! Especially during the colostrum phase… after not getting any sleep during labor and delivery…. I was literally falling asleep trying to express colostrum into the poor little guy’s mouth…. Found out he had a tongue tie… which has made breastfeeding exponentially harder! So definitely check for that too if you are really struggling! We are getting it cut on Monday so hoping it will improve!

@Sophie I honestly recommend breastfeeding support groups and making the most of midwives at hospital/visiting checking your latch etc. It might go quite easily for you, but even with a couple of challenges I'm sure it will work out great! ❤️

@Marie Gosh I'm honestly so sorry if it's been triggering. Not my intention at all. ❤️

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