@Chan I wasn’t ready at my 6 weeks appointment at all, I took the baby with me and my husband had to drive me and I wanted my son there also so we picked him up from school. 2 weeks ago I was a different person from now. I was suppose to go back last week but I told my director I needed one more week.
@Shina The difference a few weeks can make. Lol. I guess in a few weeks I'll be ready to be out and about without baby. The appt was only 10mins away so I figured I could tough it out. Plus I'm kinda paranoid taking baby out with all these illnesses out there.
@Chan I know right! My dr appt was 20 mins. I was so fearful about everything 2 weeks ago, now I am ready to be outside from 9-4pm 😂😂😂
Sounds like a win 💪🏽 ...left the house for my 6wk appt a few days ago and I rushed back home. I'm hoping to get to that point where I'm not too attached to baby. I want my life/identity back 😫