
Is anyone else struggling with breastfeeding? I feel like she isn’t getting enough milk. I can sit there for an hour and she’s still hungry. I’m exhausted. drained and feel terrible if she still hungry :(
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It's very normal behaviour but she could be doing it for comfort instead. Is she having wet nappies and gaining weight, that's what will indicate if she's getting enough milk! How old?

I have been :( on her first weigh in she had lost 12.3% of her birth weight and we had to be put on a feeding regime by the doctor! One week later and she is almost back up to birthweight! We have been doing as long at the breast as she likes and then a top up of half formula and half expressed breast milk up to 60ml so 30ml of each! She is much more satisfied now! I felt so awful and cried so much but that’s the only thing with breast feeding, you really can’t gauge how much milk they are actually taking xxx

This is called cluster feeding, how old is your baby? Breastfeeding is hard work at first and it will get better but this phase is draining. Yes , regular wet nappies will indicate if your baby gets enough but mine needed to have a formula top up anyway, I was feeding for hours and she still wouldn't settle. You know your baby best, my first was cluster feeding as well but I could tell he was getting satisfied at some point, not my second. If you still want to continue, maybe try to look at breastfeeding lying down. There is a safe way to do it, then once the feed is over transfer your baby to his crib. At least you could rest while feeding. Make sure to have snack around you, drink plenty of water, try to pump to see how much you get in 15min , that can help indicate how much your baby is having. Good luck, it doesn't last forever

You’re not alone. I have the same thoughts on and off. I Keep wondering if shes having enough as she wakes up within 45-1 hour after being fed. Have you tried pumping to see if you can tell how much milk is coming out? That gives me some comfort to know how much supply i have. Also have you considered combination feeding with formula ? May be speak to your midwife or a lactation specialist. The usual indicator for baby well fed they say is wet nappies and weight gaun.

I feel the same I’m up all night

It’s possible she has a tongue tie or lip tie? Does she get really burpy, hicuppy, or gassy too? And have a lot of reflux/spit up. I was struggling so hard and I knew something was wrong… I couldn’t get a deep latch .. or if I did he would scoot back… so we had it checked out by a lactation consultant and they confirmed a tongue tie. We’re getting it cut Monday! Hoping it helps… cuz it’s been really rough :/ and I don’t wanna give up on breastfeeding. He even struggles with the bottle when we try to supplement to make sure he is getting enough

@Hannah lots of wet nappy and now finally she gaining weight, she’s 18 days x

@Shevaun I had to do exactly the same! She lost over 10% and then found out she has tounge tie which obviously didn’t help. Now she always hungry!

@Lindsay she did have tounge tie and now she’s so much better but no I’m worried as we waited so long for the appointment has my milk supply dropped off 🤷🏽‍♀️ maybe I’m looking into it to much!

@Meghan how did she get tested for tongue tie? I’m worried my little one has it too as she’s always taken ages to latch :( xx

When I went for one of my early check up after I had her, I mentioned about she not latching, it was painful ,clicking sound and my nipple was shaped like a lipstick. Maybe contact the breastfeeding team and see if they can refer you. Hopefully go get it sorted x

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