Nursery & milk

My son is due to start nursery two days after his first birthday. He will do two days a week. I’m planning to still be breastfeeding. What’s the best way to collect enough milk for him on days leading up to the first day of the week at nursery? Should I pump between feeds? I can pump while he’s there so the second day’s milk won’t be an issue. It’s getting enough together for the Monday that I’m not sure about especially as I have no idea how much milk he takes at each feed but his feeds are at predictable times. I think I have high lipase as he will not drink milk that’s been frozen. He drinks milk from a bottle or cup fairly well but I’m adamant he takes less than he would if I fed him normally. I haven’t put any thought into if/when we will give him cow’s milk as I have mixed opinions on it at the moment.
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You could try to add no alcohol vanilla to the frozen milk

The average breast fed baby drinks 1 to 1.5oz per hour going up to 3 hours so 4.5oz ish. Have you tried mixing unfrozen milk with frozen? That can help them get used to the taste of the defrosted milk

@Helen I haven’t tried that but I will! I don’t have much of a stash anymore as I’ve been using it when I make pancakes and stuff for him but I have a couple of oz I could try that with! Thanks!

At that age most children are fine without any milk at nursery. They can have water and solid food while they're there and then breastfeed while they're home 😊

@Sophie really? I can’t imagine him going from 7:30am - 4:30pm without milk! He has at least 3/4 feeds during the day and then his bedtime feed at the moment. He’s 9 months - will his feeds/need for milk really drop off that quickly? I don’t want him to make up for lost milk all night on days he’s at nursery 🥴

@Fizzy I know it can seem hard to imagine as they change so quickly at that age! After they turn one milk ceases to be their main source of nutrition. Nursery will probably give three solid meals and two snacks and that will honestly be plenty. A lot of little ones (include mine) refuse milk when it's offered at nursery. So I just wouldn't worry too much about pumping loads to send with him! By all means send some milk and see whether he'll take it, but don't stress about it 😊 Re the high lipase though, I've read that you can do something to the milk before freezing that helps - maybe boiling it? I'm sure a quick web search will tell you. Could be worth a try?

@Sophie I’ll do some Googling and testing before he goes! Thanks! He will be having breakfast, lunch and two snacks I believe. I’ll be picking him up before they do dinner. I think it would make me feel better to send some in with him even if he doesn’t drink it 😂🫠

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